Example №6

Here is an example of a horary question about betrayal. The man asks if his close friend is sleeping with his wife.

Let’s begin with a radicality assessment of the chart. I expect the chart to highlight the wife and the friend.

  • Indeed, the Moon (the man’s feelings) and the Pars of Fortune (his deep concern) are under the influence of Jupiter, the ruler of the 11th house, i.e., his friend. Yes, the querent is worried about his friend.
  • At the same time, the querent’s Sun is under the influence of Venus and Saturn (his wife’s planets)—yes, the chart is radical.

Now, let’s examine the feelings between the wife and the best friend.

  • The close friend (Jupiter) is in the dignity of Saturn and Venus—the close friend loves the querent’s wife.
  • This feeling is mutual: Saturn, representing the wife as an individual, is under the influence of Jupiter. She loves the querent’s friend in return.

That is a warning bell, but it is just a warning. The fact that two people have mutual feelings doesn’t inherently mean they are sleeping with each other.

To confirm betrayal, we must observe a close conjunction, i.e., “coitus,” of two planets. This could be a bodily or antiscia conjunction, but there is no such connection in this chart.

They flirt with each other and may even have a little romance, but there is no sexual relationship between the wife and close friend. We could end our consultation here. But we can continue to delve deeper into this chart and uncover some hidden details. So, let’s proceed with our prognosis to the next level.

Look at the wife’s Venus. As a person, she loves Jupiter, but as a woman, she rejects him—Venus occupies the place of Jupiter’s detriment. The querent’s wife sees Jupiter as a good family friend and loves him in that sense. However, she is entirely unwilling to cross boundaries and translate affection into a sexual context. Why is that? What prominent is happening to Venus that forces her to reject Jupiter’s attention?

Venus is conjunct Mars. As you already know, if a planet (especially the gender planet) is conjunct a third planet in relationship questions, it almost always indicates sexual relations with another person. So yes, the wife has a lover, signified by Mars. And it is another man, not a close friend of the querent. What a surprise!

The chart provides additional evidence for this secret connection:

  • Saturn (i.e., the wife) is in her 12th house, indicating that she is hiding something from the querent, and now we know her secret.
  • Moreover, Saturn’s antiscia conjuncts the 7th house cusp (the wife’s ascendant). She is concealing something at home, in her territory, which will soon be revealed. And now we know what she is hiding. In the context of the question, it also implies that the lover visits her home rather than the wife visiting him.

Let’s take our prognosis to the next level and see what happens next. The Moon will soon oppose the pairing of Venus and Mars. It suggests that the querent will catch his wife with her lover having fun.

Where will this happen? We already know that the wife invites her lover to her house. So it means that the querent will catch them both when he returns home—there are no other options in this context.

Opposition in a relationship question always means conflict or divorce. Both conflict and divorce fit the picture’s context. But how do we differentiate between these meanings? Let’s find a clue from the fixed stars. If the primary planet on the stage conjuncts a fixed star that fits the context, it provides additional details to the picture.

Look, the Sun (the husband’s planet) is conjunct Vindemiatrix, the star of divorce. It immediately clarifies the meaning of opposition—a conflict leading to divorce.

Who will initiate the divorce? The Sun—the husband’s planet—contacts the Vindemiatrix; hence, the husband will initiate the divorce, not the wife.

What about the timing? It was not part of the question, but if we find a notable coincidence of timing indicators, we can consider them.

  • The Moon will reach this couple by opposition at 2.5 degrees, which denotes 2.5 time units.
  • On the other hand, when the Sun advance 2.5 degrees, it will come to 13 degrees of Libra—a degree where Venus’ antiscia opposition is. It means that in 2.5 degrees, the Sun will unexpectedly oppose Venus.

We have two consistent indicators of the same event with coinciding timing. Hence, the chart indicates the timing, even if it is not explicitly part of the question. We use a standard timescale of weeks, months, and years in relationship questions. Hence, 2.5 degrees may indicate 2.5 weeks, months, or years. Let’s clarify the time unit.

  • The Moon is the applying planet in the first aspect. It is in the sign of average speed and quick house. This combination of fast and average speeds gives us the average time unit, i.e., months.
  • The Sun is the applying planet in the second aspect. It is in the quick sign and the house of average speed. Again, the combination of average-fast speeds gives us the average time unit, i.e., months.

So we know the husband will catch his wife with her lover when he returns home in 2.5 months. It is challenging to specify the exact date, so we indicate the approximate time, like in 2.5 months or at the end of November. This is an acceptable level of accuracy for us.

So, our prediction includes the following details.

  • The close friend does not sleep with the wife.
  • The wife has another lover.
  • In 2.5 months, at the end of November, the man will return home and catch his wife with her lover.
  • Shortly after that, he will file for divorce.

The last three items on the list were not part of the question and would upset the client, so the only answer given to the man was, “Your friend doesn’t have sex with your wife.”

I discussed this prognosis in detail during the astrology lecture and recorded it on camera at the beginning of October. So, all the students of that lecture were expecting the results.

And so it proved. Indeed, at the end of November, precisely on the 26th of November, the man returned from a business trip earlier than expected and caught his wife with her lover. It was not his friend, but an unknown guy. Shortly after that, he filed for divorce, and on the 15th of January, they officially divorced.

The Transit Chart

For demonstration purposes, let’s examine the transit that triggered the event. In hindsight, knowing that the querent discovered his wife with her lover on November 26th, let’s revisit that date and find the transit that realized the promises of the horary chart.

The night before the husband’s return, the Moon, signifying the querent destined to discover his wife’s infidelity, entered the 7th house—the wife’s territory. The same Saturn ruled the 7th house as in the radical figure, intensifying its role as the wife. Such a combination happens 2-4 times per month.

Look at where the wife was at that very moment when the husband entered her territory. Saturn (the wife) was in conjunction with an unknown planet, Mercury, in the 5th house of physical pleasures and sex.

Simultaneously entering the 7th house, the Moon immediately aspected this pair, who were blissfully spending time in the 5th house. We see a literal picture of the moment—the husband catches this couple engaged in lovemaking.

Also, note that the transit chart repeats the promises of the radical figure through other planets. You remember that Mars and Venus represented the couple in the radical figure. Now, look at the transit chart—the Moon (husband) makes a precise aspect to Venus, which is in mutual reception with Mars.

The same picture— the husband catches the two. And again, a repetition of this happening directly on the wife’s territory— Venus with Mars casts a precise aspect on the 7th house cusp.

Also, note that the Moon casts an unfavorable aspect to its place of detriment. That is, it strikes Venus, which is already debilitated. It reflects reality—one can only imagine the anger the husband confronted his wife and her lover. By the way, the lover from the radical figure (Mars) is also debilitated at the moment of the transit, which makes sense.

See how many repetitions there are of what the preceding horary chart promised. Most importantly, a particular moment gathered all these indications together.

Move the time forward by a few minutes, and the exact aspects to the cusps will begin to dissipate. Move the time forward by half an hour, and the close aspects of the Moon will start to dissolve. Move the time forward by an hour— the cusps will change signs, and the planets will exit their respective houses. As you can see, the transit is the momentary peak of the realization of the potential of the preceding horary chart. As one moves away from this moment, the potential for realizing the horary chart promise gradually diminishes.

Now, let’s look at this same chart as the moment that sets the direction for the next step in the storyline development. Which planet stands out in the chart?

The Pars of Fortune shows the querent’s deep desires or everything hidden that will soon become evident. Here, this point is conjunct Jupiter, which will soon manifest itself.

At the same time, the ruler of the 1st house of the transit chart and the gender planet of the man—the Sun—is under the influence of Jupiter. The chart of the moment conditions the husband to take further steps in the direction indicated by Jupiter.

Jupiter is the main character in the story at the next stage of its development. But what does Jupiter mean in this chart? It cannot be the querent’s friend from the previous radix—he is not in any way connected to the discovered infidelity. So it must be something else. Let’s check if it signifies divorce. After all, divorce was already seen in the preceding chart.

The Part of Divorce falls at 24° 26’ Sagittarius, exactly where Mercury—the accidental ruler of the lover in the transit chart—is located. We read this quite literally: divorce is connected to the discovered lover.

Now let’s see who the dispositor of Part of Divorce is. The Part falls in the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Yes, Jupiter is indeed a divorce, just as we assumed. So, filing for divorce and preparing the divorce certificate are the main trends for the next month and a half.

You see the exact behavior of the heavens—the transit charts, on the one hand, realize the promise of the preceding radix. On the other hand, they set the direction of further story development.